The Fifth Commandment
Jetblue flight to JFK had me watching a snippet of some ridiculous show on the 36 channels of filth they are so proud to advertise.
There was some mom in the o.c. going to surprise her son in college with her obnoxious daughter who was there yelling at her mother that her son hates her and why is she going and a whole bunch of bleep words to accompany the message. Then the camera follows her all the way till she lands in her son's frat house only to be greeted by an equally obnoxious son who refuses to hug her and tells her she should never have come to the cries of this pathetic blonde high pitched mom's screams of "surprises are supposed to be fun!"
What the world?
Where have I landed?
Is this the society we live in?
I mean, if the show can air there must be enough people who either enjoy watching this garbage or relate to it on some level.
Makes me think about the ten commandments.
It's kinda like He knew we would be overwhelmed with the 613.
So He took the ones most important to Him, the ones that no matter what... needed to be kept.
Ten. Commandments.
Imagine what the world would be like if they were never spoken...
Imagine what the world would be like if everyone kept them.
Just ten.
So how do you rate?
Believe in G-d?
Keep the Sabbath holy?
Don't kill?
Why is it that if I slip up on Shabbos and in middle of the night by accident turn off the light in the bathroom I am totally devistated...
But when I talk back to my mother I don't even notice.
Why is it that I would never dare to dream of walking into a church and getting down on my hands and knees to pray...
But have no problem rolling my eyes when my parents do something that slightly embarresses me.
Why is it that I gasp when a murder is committed...
But my conscience is silent every time I make my parents do something for me when I'm to lazy to do it for myself. Or worse, when I make my parents do something for themselves because I'm too lazy to do it for them.
You may have heard the famous story of uncle Manis with my great uncle, Feter Chaim...
Bubby was serving dinner at 1414 President St.
Feter Chaim was there for a visit.
Manis sat at the table ready to thing stood in his way.
He was missing a fork.
His mother was in the kitchen, so he called to her, "Ma, can you bring me a fork?"
Suddenly the Feter Chaim turned to him with eyes full of shock and hurt...
"Banutz zich mit de mameh?"
"You're using your mother?"
How could he make his mother do something for him that he could do for himself?
A Mameh...
The most respected queen of the house!
Makes me think about my relationship with my mother.
Sorry Ma... for, yeah... everything...
Granted, some people are blessed with parents that are almost impossible to respect.
Honor them anyways.
It's your special challenge in this world.
Because HE wants it more than anything else in the world.
WHOOOA. I am now going to try even harder to respect my parents.
good vibes all week. its a blessing from the one above. my purim hachlata is going well so far baruch hashem!!!!!
Why is it that the fifth commandment is harder to do or to understand?
we freak out about murder, but disrespecting our parents in "okay"
Hashem and our parents should forgive us for all of the shtusy things that we do.
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