Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Avrum Pajam

One of my fave bubby stories:

Avrum Pajam was back in the US collecting money for yeshivas in the holiest of lands.
He is what is called a meshulach.
One never knows when he'll show up, but when he does he moves into avremel's room off the kitchen in bubby's house and stays for a month or so before moving on to greener pastures.

As one of Bubby's only living relatives, Avrum looks like he walked out of one of those books from the late 1800's.
I am personally fascinated by him and mesmerizes me with the way he talks. And sings. Just about everything he does makes me smile.

It's shabbos and we are sitting at the table.
Avrum is dressed in his shtreimel and bekishe, eyes closed, face shining as he sings Zeidi's old zemiros.
When Avrum isn't looking an older relative turns to one of my cousins and says that in all the years he's known Avrum (about 50) he never, ever heard him say a bad word about someone else!
Can you imagine such a thing!
A tzadik in our times...

Later on my cousin was upstairs chilling with with bubby.
She was so impressed with the story about Avrum that she shares it with bubby.

Bubby listens to the saga.
As the story ends, bubby appears confused.
She looks at my cousin.
"So what's the big deal?
Of course. A chassidishe yid doesn't speak lashon harah."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thats cute.. i like