Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Reality hits

i have nothing to say.
no words of wisdom.
no interesting thoughts.
no daydreams.
no nightmares.
my new blog has proven me a failure.

not a failure.
just a blog failure.
i'm really good at other things.
like swimming.
coloring in the lines.
peeling veggies.
putting away folding tables.

ego healed.

old blog found!

so there were only two posts...
still made my night.

(excerpt from blog #1 Tzfas 5756)

Dear Blog,
Something about the whole blog thing...what with other people viewing them and all...must have some sort of reprecussions (sp) on the content of what is written.
(pretty cool that blogger has no spell check. straight up human frailties exposed)
I would really rather this act as a diary of sorts, with no thought of anyone ever viewing it.
In that way i can write without thought to whether or not i sound sophisticated/intelligent/insightful/creative/original/funkadelic...etc. list goes on.
Truth is, i already feel slightly intimidated by blogging and have probably already fallen prey to the writing self-consciousness.
man alive.
I lay in bed till who knows last night thinking of all the things i wanna write on my new blog.
Something about morning makes midnight ramblings sound silly.
But i shall not bow to the pressures of blogging and shall record any silly thought i deem worthy of recording for my own sanity and posterity.

p.s. the word is repercussions. sorry mrs. joseph

lost in cyberspace

what happens to all the blogs that are begun and forgotten.
months pass and i try to remember the name.
alas many tries later i give up and start again.

dear first blog,
i will never forget you.
maybe one day we shall meet.


if you have nothing good to say, don't say anything at all.
- ta'ism

everyone should come with a blog

so you meet someone. chill with them for a day, a week...nice.
then they tell you they have a blog.
i check it out, facinated. read it cover to cover.
whole new respect. whole new perspective.

i think everyone should come with a blog.

(hence the blog)