Friday, March 30, 2007

L'Alter L'tshuva

I would like to take this time to publicly wack brother Eli for missing his flight and therefore not coming home on Thursday as planned.

If he only knew how excited I was for this day maybe he would have tried a little harder to actually go to the airport.


I know it is a conspiracy - as he wanted to stay in NY for yud aleph nissan, not to mention shirking any and all pre-pesach duties that come with being home days before the holiday.
Now it's down to hours before the holiday and all he'll have time to do is burn the chometz.

Thanks alot.

Speaking of yud aleph nissan, I would like to invite Eli to say a few words of inspiration.

Thank you, thank you.
Hi, my name is Eli.
Kindly disregard any unkind things my sister Chani may have said about me.
They are false, untrue and she is clearly trying to paint a less than complimentary picture of my extended stay here in Crown Heights, Brooklyn.
Truth be told, the only reason why I missed my flight is because I'm a total and complete yukel.

(the joys of putting words in people's mouths... :)

As far as yud aleph nissan - cut the speeches.
Would everyone stop talking and do something already?
Go to the mikvah, davven, give tzedaka, learn some nigla and chassidus, make a hachlata,'s the Rebbe's birthday, be a chassid.


Anonymous said...

I am sitting here in your room, so early in the morning.
You have just thrown your alarm clock across the room for "waking you up."
Oh the joys.
Its the Rebbe's bday!!! Happy Birthday Rebbe.
I have to go bake a cake.

Anonymous said...

this post is just funnerlali.....

Cookie said...

der eibishter vert gebin gezunt un lebin velin meer forin tzu unzer rebbin...

Anonymous said...

isnt that from chassidim dont say good bye???

Anonymous said...

go on

bentzy put chassidim dont say good bye and kentiz
good shabbos
great vibs
its the Rebbe's bday
time to celebrate!!!