Wednesday, March 28, 2007

L'Chaim Zaidy

Today is my Zaidy Friedman's Yahrtzeit.

What do you say about a man who was so humble most of the good he did in his life went unnoticed?

Zaidy's story is yet to be told in full...

It's times like these that I feel ashamed that I don't remember more.
I wish had a photographic memory.
Or at least a load of videos of Zaidy growing up in Poland, rescuing Jewish families escaping from the Nazis, forging passports, in prison, out of prison, raising a wonderful family, giving endless amounts of tzedaka, living a life so full of mitvos it was to be envied...

One thing stands out.
A small memory.
Seems insignificant.
Almost silly in the face of such greatness.
I remember the handshakes I would get when I arrived at 701.
They say you can tell a person by their handshake.
Zaidy had the best handshakes.
Warm and full and secure and so full of love.
We would shlep up that flight of stairs, red eyed, jet lagged, with arms full of suitcases at 7:00 in the morning.
Zaidy was always up bright and early, ready to leave for the minyan.
The shake always came with a huge smile and a twinkle in the eye.
I felt slightly awed when Zaidy would shake my hand.
What a Zaidy.

I loved the shtreimel and bekishe, shabbos meals with zemiros, the smells of the house, driving to Boro Park to visit the Elte Zaide...a glimpse into an almost forgotten world of holiness.

I may not remember much, but I know this.

What a blessing to have such grandparents.

If only more people would do as many favors for our fellow Jews.
If only more people were as selfless and righteous, always making another person's needs come before their own needs.

Imagine a world full of Zaidy Friedmans?

L'Chaim Zaidy.
Bubby misses you terribly.
Just for that Moshiach should come this instant.


Anonymous said...

wowo chana
L'chaim o'barcha

i am totally speechless...

MOSHAICH NOW!!!!!!!!!!!

Cookie said...
