Blog for Sale
(excerpts from a conversation I had with myself)
Self 1:
This blog has got to go.
You are not fit to have a public forum for thoughts and ideas.
Who do you think you are anyways?
Self 2:
Why do you take yourself so seriously?
What do you care.
Get over it.
It's just a blog.
Have you ever felt like people have a certain perception of you and maybe you even give off certain vibes that may be true about part of you but there's a whole other side to you that is hidden?
And then when you're around those people that think that about you you're afraid to be yourself because you will squash the perception they have of you?
I remember meeting a woman once at a wedding in NY and she went on and on about how beautiful I was.
The next morning I woke up late and groggy, walked into the kitchen to find the very same woman I had met at the wedding.
I was suddenly so self conscious...
Not sure if that has anything to do with anything but it came to mind.
What's the point?
The point is that there are so many more important things in this world than whether or not I am fit to have a blog.
Like global warming...
Brittany's new haircut...
What to wear to Sarah's wedding...
Catching my flight...
So I will shut up.
And continue to write.
But I make this disclaimer:
The posts on this blog reflect the thoughts of a very human human.
With shortcomings and selfish moments and bad judgements.
That will be all.
Bottom line - The desire to be selfless is in itself selfish.
Go figure.
p.s. if this post appears to be an attempt at humility, it is not.
p.s.s if the p.s. appears to be an attempt at humility, it is not.
p.s.s.s. if the p.s.s. appears to be an attempt at humility, it is not.
p.s.s.s.s. if the p.s.s.s. appears to be an attempt at humility, it is not.
p.s.s.s.s.s. if the p.s.s.s. appears to be an attempt at humility, it is not.
I love your blog
dont stop because of peer pressure
guess what
its gonna snow tom
bring ur ugglies
is just listening, (and perphaps thinking)
c.l. - i'm ready for some pumpkin muffins!!!
why do people live in ny?
15 degrees with 45 mph winds.
but oh so lovely to see raizel and her babunyaleh.
j.l. - thanks for listening.
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