As a dear friend so eloquently put it...
"TV sucks.
its the anti everything.
its poison.
you talk about cults and how they suck you in and warp your mind.
try a little tv.
its 500 people -or however many channels you have- screaming for your attention.
networks and their research departments spend millions figuring out what makes people tick and much more importantly what will get them to watch more tv.
this is some pretty serious premeditaed evil.
so while you are watching one dose of drama or reality tv they make sure to feed you snippets of the next piece of poison about to be served up.
what buttons can i push, what emotions can i stir to make you watch longer?
how bout breaking the heart of some kid on national tv?
how bout making an --- out of someone if front of 31 million people?
maybe a little backstabbing?
betrayal, cheating?
its the anti everything.
its poison.
you talk about cults and how they suck you in and warp your mind.
try a little tv.
its 500 people -or however many channels you have- screaming for your attention.
networks and their research departments spend millions figuring out what makes people tick and much more importantly what will get them to watch more tv.
this is some pretty serious premeditaed evil.
so while you are watching one dose of drama or reality tv they make sure to feed you snippets of the next piece of poison about to be served up.
what buttons can i push, what emotions can i stir to make you watch longer?
how bout breaking the heart of some kid on national tv?
how bout making an --- out of someone if front of 31 million people?
maybe a little backstabbing?
betrayal, cheating?
and than they give these #%*&* awards.
LO bleeping L!
they should all be locked up and forced to watch - for three days straight with no sleep- the ---- they produce.
LO bleeping L!
they should all be locked up and forced to watch - for three days straight with no sleep- the ---- they produce.
"you dont have to watch it".
shut up, bunch of irresponsible hate mongering baffoons."
shut up, bunch of irresponsible hate mongering baffoons."
i agree with everything you wrote
i really really want to break that stupid machine!
that thing just spread kelipah!
no more bad in this world
only G-dly light should follow down!
i like ur friend. :)
my friend works in the business and knows all about all the sinister thoughts and secret plots to take over the minds, hearts and souls of innocent watchers!!!
heh he he he he....
you can break IT - or you can break you.
IT will always be there...but your desire for IT can be controlled.
now there's a challenge.
no pressure.
as if.
dido about thinking of this one
i like that one.
did i ever tell you who wrote it?
i want to be like avraham
who had so much coruage and strength in doing the right thing
i want to smash that machine in half
to make no bad vib ever comes out of it again
i dont want my reality to be in front of a box
i maybe only 15 but i can still bring a change in the world and i will never do that change if i stare at the tv
if not now when???
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