Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Something to Smile About

it's starting to smell like summer
the air is sunny
the breeze is breezy
pool party at my place
trader joes chocolate soy ice cream popsicles
and lotsa sunscreen


Unknown said...


soldier said...

i like ice cream!!

i like pictures!!
i like summer!!
I like smiling!!

Cookie said...

hi ruthie!!!!
hi soldier!!!

alas the sun is hiding this morning.
reminds me of all my school years at hal huntington beach, coming to school in the winter with a big old sweatshirt...till lunch time, sun comes out and, sweatshirts come off and you're so hot you can jump in the pool...

speaking of pool, i really wanna get an ipod with an ipod deck and speakers for poolside musical accompaniment this summer...

Rochi said...

im so there!!

Leigh Est said...

Chani the next time we have a pool party at your place, we HAVE to put sun screen on! I dont know how long this sun burn is going to last, but I hope it doesnt last long because it hurts!!!!

About the ipod speakers
We can get regular speakers from Radio Shack and hook them up to my ipod for musical entertainment.
Are you coming over for challah tonight? Chaya is!!!!

Cookie said...

r.g. call chanky and the two of you have to come for a week or two in the summer.
consider that an order.

h.v. count me in.
i'll be there around six...
gotta run to the post office and finish spring cleaning at the office.

ps ditto on the sunburn ;)

Anonymous said...

Dear Cookie,

Be careful what you say because it can come back to get you.

soldier said...

dear cookie
i have an idea
lets go to that park you told me about with trees and places to run
and then we can climb a tree and do seder niggunim
or sing
or something
perek aleph tanya

me is really tired and hyper
good stuffys are rolling home!!!!
coming our ways!!!
little pennies rolling home....

Rochi said...

would this be camp marcus II?
We are totally comin!!

Cookie said...

"careful what you say...because it can come baack to get you."

raizel is crazy.
she bought me an ipod and speakers!!!
thanks sisteh.