Friday, May 25, 2007

Over the Hill and Far Away

The lake at El Dorado Park is famous for it's ducks.
The ones who used to fly and land in our pool.
(using it as a public restroom thus necessitating the need to purchase a blow up shark which shockingly scared them off for good.)

Shavuos afternoon I took Zalman, Shalom and Sheindel for a picnic to the park.
After our fab meal of potato knishes and apple crumble we set off to look for ducks.

Halfway around I stopped dead in my tracks.
More like alive in my tracks.

In front of us.
In the water.

One mama duck with six little ducklings...
Little baby ducklings.
Brand new.
All in a row, swimming in the lake.
They were so tiny!
And fuzzy!!
And adorably adorable!!!


Hashem is awesome.


soldier said...

that is awesomeliful!!!

that sorta reminded me about something about ducks

so basically when we would walk to rabbi langer through ggpark we would take short cut through the pond and there were ducks
and once there were new new new babby ducks and every week we would see them grow in to grown up duckys
i like ducks

and he said duck will you be my friend??!!
and the duck said i dont like wide mouth frogs

Anonymous said...

wish you could've taken a pic for us

Cookie said...

so the wide mouth frog continued along the river till he saw a turtle.
and he said turtle will you be my friend?
and the turtle said go jump in the lake.
so he did.

Mimi said...

Ahhh,the simple things.

Or is it so simple? Hmm.

Thanks, hana, chang, changalicious, cap'n and soldier, soul sista...

To a sparkling Shabbos, m'dear.

Cookie said...

a fabuloso shabbos to you too.
and about simple or's simply just awesome how Hashem is such a micromanager and running a bazillion, katrillion, magillion things every second, every nano second, everywhere.
whether i take the time to notice it or not.
that's why kids are awesome - they force you away from your computer and your limited view on life - to see the things you tend to take for granted...or not even notice.

soldier said...

i want to be a kid
can i be a kid???
yes i a will always be a kid

theres a child in everyone..

just a soldier in his army you once showed him how it should be...
had to break into song


soldier said...

i just got the picture


Cookie said...

soldier - you are officially cookoo lookoo.
i love it.
and you are a kid.
never confuse youthfulness with immaturity.
i hope you never grow out of it.
and if i do - permission to wack me.