Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Gmail Inbox 6:14 am (3 1/2 hours ago)


I had a real bad night.
I was feeling so angry at myself.
The weak part of me just wants to please and be accepted.
I probably acted like a moron.

Today i awake.
Refreshed and normal.
The woes of yesterday are but a trifle.
its never too late!

(editor's note: couldn't have said it better. morning is the greatest cure and relief for life's rollercoasters. hamichadesh bituvo bichol yom tamid. refreshed. renewed. re-inspired. l'chaim. thanks for the email this pesach sheini morning. it was perfect.)


C said...

Pesach sheini expressed perfectly.

Cookie said...

honesty is always the best policy.
and tomorrow is ALWAYS another day.

chanie lakein said...

well i dont know about you guys but if i go to bed poopy i wake up poopy:(

Cookie said...

hey there lakeo-lin.
watch your language on this blog before the blog cop comes and wacks you over the head with a wet noodle.
my condolences on your poopy mornings. i think you need a beach scene canvas hanging on the wall at the foot of your bed to wake up to.