Wednesday, May 2, 2007

When i was a kid...

Week five day one.
Chesed of Hod.
Lovingkindness in Humilty.
(didn't know loving kindness could be one

Exercise for the day:
Before praying with humility and acknowledgement of G-d, give some charity.
It will enhance your prayers.

- Simon Jacobson. A Spiritual Guide to The Counting of the Omer.


"Tzedaka, tzedaka, tzedaka.
that it was what we give...
even a penny a day,
before we start to pray."

The theme song of every lucky young child's Jewish kindergarten education.

I was no exception.
With those two pennies taped to my lunchbox.
Or my pencil case.
Or my backpack.
Or left on the counter at home.
Or in my mommy's pocket.

We always knew to bring tzedaka and give it before davvening each day.

Why is it that certain things strengthen as we grow older, while others just fade?
What happened to my giving tzedaka before davvening?

I pull down my trusty pushka from the shelf.
Count out 90 pennies.
Trade it for a dollar.
Should last me a few months...

Sometimes I need to stop and reflect.
With all that I do now, do I still remember what they taught us in kindergarten...


Anonymous said...

Came home from work today, checked out your blog, and freaked out. Everything you wrote today was straight out of my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Forgot to mention that I teach kindergarten. Maybe thats why i was thinking about it.

chanie lakein said...

anyways i took apon myself a hachlata to daven everyday after i found out i failed my very important math test, i think that is very admirable of me to turn to g-d instead of away from g-d even though i was kinda upset at hime

Anonymous said...

i admire your courage in the face of adversity.

Anonymous said...

Can you please ask the band to put up "Wake Up" on their myspace for Lag B'Omer??? Please? And "Brooklyn" too?

Thanks so much!!!

C said...

It's funny...I remember to bring the pennies everyday for my students, but not for myself.

Thanks for the wake-up call.

Cookie said...

well, well, well.
what have we here...
kindergarten teachers and 8th day fans...nice mix.
anyhowsers, i'll get my people to talk to their people...i think they should put up ALL the songs for the lag.
you think?

Anonymous said...

Yes! All the songs??!!! I think Lag B'Omer almost makes it to the top of my favorite holiday list :)

soldier said...

when i was a kid...
when i was a kid i went to a different kindergarden
i went to gan izzy!!!!
i went to be a shlucha in public school without knowing it!!!
boy the things you learn in kindergarden

soldier said...

really like both pics!!!!

Cookie said...

aren't they awesome?
credit where credit is due:
julie kaffe
she's gooood.