Kookoo Rikoo
Just because someone has a blog, does that mean they have to post?
Words, words, words.
I'm so sick of words...
What can I say that hasn't already been said?
Stop talking already and do something girl.
Oh this world is such a narrow bridge.
The fine line between too much and too little.
You are nothing.
You are everything.
Don't talk so much.
Don't be so silent.
It's not about you.
It's all about you.
L'chaim to finding your perfect balance.
Have an awesome week.
Don't beat yourself up if you fall prey to your n.h.
Do something for someone else if you feel depressed.
Greet everyone with a smile.
Judge everyone favorably.
Try to live like a chassid.
What's mine is a yours and what's yours is yours.
And remember - you are the purpose for creation.
Go do something about it.
I think this is the first time i am the first to comment on your bloggy
now its all about me :)
“The right word may be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause.” (mark twain"
Amen sister!
I think I know who you wrote this post about!!!!
laker, you're a cook. in more ways than one.
i love mark twain.
wassup pt?
leighlooshka - ;)
wow :)
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