Thursday, April 26, 2007

A Tale of Two Bloggers

My zaidy used to cash checks for people.
Whenever he would see someone who owed him money coming towards him on the street he would cross to the other side so as not to embarrass the person.

My zaidy did not have a blog.
But if he did, he would not have written this post.

It was a dark and rainy tuesday afternoon.
I was sitting at my computer, all alone.
Not a soul was around.
All was still.

When suddenly I heard it.

"Hear ye, hear ye.
Ladies and Gentleman.
Boyles and goyles.
Children of all ages, shapes and sizes.
Gather around!
Step right up if you dare and go for the ride of your life on your very own Bloggercoaster!

Complete with a 700 foot drop, corkscrews, upside down tummy tossers and colossal hills!
Famous throughout BlogLand as the most popular of our attractions, the bloggercoaster is sure to threaten the brevity of the boldest of chaps.

Many choose to watch rather than ride.
What will you choose?
Are you brave enough?
Can you withstand the test of character?
Will you crumble under the pressure?
Step right up...
It's absolutely FREE!"


Who can resist the temptation of braving a bloggercoaster?
I was no exception.
I had much to share.
And much to say.
And so, with a few timid steps, one backward glance and a flying leap...I was off.







Then suddenly CRASH!







Yes, there were the highs of the ego...
Swelling with pride for a thought well expressed.
Then the lows of abandonment...
When nobody said a word.
Is anyone out there?

You try so hard to convince yourself...

"It's not important.
So nobody comments...
Let them not comment!
Who needs comments?
But I love comments.
Do I need comments?
What do I care anyways?
It wasn't such a good post.

Maybe I should erase that one.
Maybe I should erase all of them.
Maybe I should get over wanting to erase everything.

So I'm not as wise as I always thought.
So I am as wise as I always thought.
I have nothing to write.
I have a one track mind.

What does it matter anyways?

So I sound a little stupid today.
So I sound a little smart today.
So my sister laughs at what I say.
So I care more about what others think than I dare to confess..."

Human frailties exposed once again.

Sometimes it's best to get off this bloggercoaster.
Take a step back.
Take a good look.
Take a deep breathe.
Take a hot bath.
Take a long walk on a short pier.
Take a break.

Remember who you are.
Remember why you are.

Re-evaluate yourself.
Break down old borders.
Break old habits.
Go do something useful.
Do another Yid a favor.

Go learn from your zeidy.


Mimi said...

I'm afraid to compliment you on this post, so...instead:

You're being selfish in thinking you're so selfish. I thought we were getting over this...

(speaking of exposing...)

soldier said...

the blogcoaster!!
well all i can say is just listening

(just learning this dont do to other what you dont want done to yourself..note for self unimportant)

Anonymous said...

i feel like i should get to work re reading my favorite posts, etchin them in my memory, if i catch the drift of where your blog is heading.
you were brave to share your thoughts publicly and even braver for recognizing what you do about blogging. and in between, youve inspired lots of people. you dont know me, and i dont know you, but i respect you alot.
as for me, I'm going back to the observation deck, so you will not hear from me but i will be following...

Cookie said...

At the end of the post i debated writing... "patiently waiting for comments".

This post is not directed to commentors - but rather to bloggers. Or two bloggers. And anyone who can relate to the bloggercoaster.

Commentors should go right ahead and comment, but bloggers should get over trying yo be selfishly unselfish and trying to get over themselves.
You need to be married with children to ever be truly unselfish. (wise words from hinda leah sharfstein, thanks h.l.)

Iy"h by you.


Ps. pt. - be happy the blog cop likes you.

Anonymous said...

Interesting post. I don't know you, and you do not me, but i happened upon your blog about a week ago, and have been reading. I kind of felt though, like i was snooping at someone elses mail, so i made myself two choices. one, to stop reading, or two, to let you know. I guess I chose the latter So, here I am. I will say, I have enjoyed everything that I've read. So long, and Good Shabbos.

Anonymous said...

oh chana dear..

your blog is well read
not only because you write so well
but bec what you dare to expose
is all our inner rollercoasters
thank you for being so helpful
for creating a hand to my thoughts.
shubut shalom!

Cookie said...

i think this would be an appropriate time for confessions of all blog visitors.

For fear of trying to sound humble,
I will just say this.
Thanks guys.
Or rather gals.

In the merit of all the love and kindness here today...moshiach should come before shabbos and we should wake up in yerushalayim to the tune of music dancing!
(thanks nbst)

Regards to all fellow soldierettes around the world.

chana said...

my cursor in the comment box, i started typing.
then i stopped.
then i backspaced.
then i started all over.
then i changed my mind and decided to go on with life sans commenting on this post.
but then i changed my mind, again.

yep, this is the story of the blogger.
and the observer. [specially if she's not anonymous]

thanks for sharing, you said it like it is, and well :)

p.s. f'real - i like ur blog a lot

Anonymous said...

wow teh sencerity of those wrods... how did u muster teh courage tobe so truthful despite teh fact we all knwo that all bloggers experience teh same self doubt...

Cookie said...

thanks people.
chana, you got that exactly right.
these should be the worst of our problems.


C said...

I really hope you don;t close down this blog. I found it from a link Chava's blog, and I think I'm falling in love ;)

Each and every post is well-written to deliver a beautiful message.

I thought this was finally a blog where the author writes solely for herself, but it's reassuring to know that you are human as well ;)

Thanks for all the wonderful words of wisdom.