Thursday, April 19, 2007

Creative Genius Discovered Next Door

If this FLYER is any indication of how the show will go, then you are in luck people!
(created by our very own nahama who has kept me awake till this cooky hour, unable to tear myself away from her magical design skills)

You like?
I like.
We like.
I want one in BIG for my wall.




soldier said...

i like

Anonymous said...

B-b-but isn't 8th Day, Chassidic rock by the Marcus Brothers? So technically, technically you're getting five bands for the price of six. Unless they play Grammy-nominated Klezmer... now that would be a rip-off!

(Also, not to be annoying but if it hasn't gone to print yet you may want to exchange "preffered" with "preferred." Also, in the next line, you may want to exchange "preffered" with "preferred."

Also, on bottom disclaimer - it's a disclaimer, right? - it says bene and then "degrees" or somethin' and then "ts." What does ts stand for? (C'mon tell me, I worked hard on "S.T." Hmmm... maybe it means "tight-sleep." Nah.) Also I have a few other comments but I don't know you and you don't know me and I don't remember you asking for my two cents which in any event would be a silly price for me to charge for five minutes of editing. Ha, two cents. Maybe in Iraq. "You spelled eenfadell wrong! Two cents please." I should probably start my own blog...

PS: Did I mention I like 8th day and I like 8th day posters and I like 8th Day concerts and I like Shmulie and Mazel Tov on his Newchild and oh my God that word was capitalized because you should read "The Giver" because it's a wonderful book that's excellent and quite good to boot. And short.

musha said...

i am there!!! save me a seat

the sabra said...


Anonymous said...

we are so proud of you nahama!\morah meryl should be ashamed.

Mimi said...

Beautiful poster, Nahama! So it looks like you DO work, ah?

Cookie said...

i like too.

lol caroline - fyi 8th day has downsized to shmuli and bentzy (with guest bros appearing when randomly available) and sings 8th day songa where as 'marcus brothers' reffers (hehe had to do that) to all of em singing any jewish song they want which may include 8th day...
anyhoo - went to sleep mid-design, the bottom part was not edited or completed...but yeah. thanks for the 'referred' tip.
sorry, i can't reveal my roshe teivos.
o.k. (did you get that?) good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite. hugs and kisses. love. chani)

Cookie said...

mush - yo, yo, wassup?

sab - is this a fam reunion?? keep it down will you? ;)

morah - michal is actually in nd's los al hebrew high club!! lol what goes around comes around...

mim - i know, right?

nahama said...

OY. It's not finished yet!

All work is open to public editing and commenting.

Thanks Chani for liking it.

:) I'll make sure Chani replaces it with the finished version.

the sabra said...

woops, you might be sleeping.
i mean lollllllllllllll.

Anonymous said...

The H.A.K. lost me. Now I'm found. Amazing Grapes. (Talk about word association!) (My roommate was talking about it a minute ago.)

Nahama, beautiful job. If you're still accepting edits: Theater [space] dash [space] Joint. Something about the period inside the parentheses after the ID makes me nervous. Maybe lowercase "bring" then period after parentheses. Or no period. Maybe. That will be four cents. Oh, and Maliki Naswar Abdul el Rahman von Murderer: it's spelled "infidel." Imbecile.

Cookie said...

you woke up the baby.

the sabra said...

caroline and cookie, stop making me laugh.
it's ruining my image.

nahama said...

thanx caroline! chani will replace it soon (i hope) with the new one.

CHANI you abandoned me with no one to consult on color! i want to brighten it up- ideas pwease...

hi mimi!