Thursday, April 5, 2007

Overwhelmed by it all

Something about the home-coming of mother with 2 day old child leaves me feeling slightly choked.
Bluma walks in with baby.
She looks at the three children she abandoned for two days.
Sheindel D stares at the little bundle.
Zalman hides his smiling face.
Shalom grins.
Brother Shmueli is hyper and humming with electric energy despite intense charlie horse from the two hour each way walks from and to the hospital to name baby Rashi.

Life is awesome and awe inspiring.

My sis-in-law had a baby girl the night of the first seder leaving a housefull of guests, food, kids, jobs, seders, pajamas, bedtime stories, breakfasts and what to wear to be manned by others.
Nothing went the way it should have.

I love when life is more important than everything you ever had planned...



Anonymous said...

Mazol Tov!

chanie lakein said...

mazal tov

Shmaya said...

mazel tov

Cookie said...

mozol tov.


(shmaya - what the world? i'm speechless. t'is an honor to have your presence in my bloghouse)

(not that happy vibes and lake-o-lind are not a joy to see as well...)

Rochi said...

Mazal Tov

Cookie said...

rg - sorry, lakein already took that spelling.
gotta be more original...

Rochi said...

how bout muzul tuv?

Cookie said...

now we're talking.
hows pesach going in NY?

Rochi said...

awesome,but wish we could've been in cali though.:(