Thursday, April 12, 2007

In Memory of Music

Random music thought #1

Zalman (age 5) and Shalom (age 3) were hanging out at Jewish Cypress.
Shmuli, trying to keep them happy and occupied, gives them a tiny tape recorder to play with.
I overhear Shalom telling Zalman that "it's is a digital camera."
Big, wise, older brother Zalman replies: "No, it's a CD player."


Random music thought #2

If you were to take a backward walk through the evolution of music players:
You'd see a dude jogging listening to his ipod.
Listening to his discman.
Listening to his walkman.
Running down the street with a backpack strapped to his back with a huge record player in it, blaring.
Only there's no shock resistance so everytime he hits the pavement the song skips.


Random music thought #3

Did you ever have a song that you knew since you were a kid, before your mental capacity was fully developed, and then one day when you're older you suddenly think about the words and what they mean and you're like wow!

I would like to dedicate this post to Avraham Fried.
A man of great piety, empathy, sincerity, soul and talent who sings from the heart, says what he means and means what he says.
Here's a song I grew up on, only to find the words actually meant.

Aderaba, give in our hearts the ability that everyone should see the strengths/good qualities of his friend, and not G-d forbid his weaknesses/imperfections.
And that everyone should speak with his friend in a straight way and no hatred should rise up in our hearts one to another, G-d forbid...

It totally sounds way better in the Hebrew.


Best of luck with the no-music thing soldiers.
And whenever you miss the music, remember why.
And then go right ahead and love your fellow Jew more than anything else in the world because it gives Hashem the greatest nachas.
And then He will surely bring moshiach tzidkeinu bimheirah b'yameinu mamash!

Tata for now.


soldier said...

ahhhhhh music,
how i miss you so.........

but i am a soldier and if i did it before i can foresure do it again!!!!!

Anonymous said...

you make me laugh Chani

Cookie said...

You can do it if you try, V-I-C-T-O-R-Y
go soldier, go soldier, go, go...

you SPLIT the V
you DOT the I
you CURL that C T O R Y

vic-tory, vic, vic-tory!


Leigh Est said...

not listening to music is very hard.
the battle is, is that we're the only ones at school NOT listening to music!

Cookie said...

something about not listening to music during sefirah (although not a "sin" if you do) makes you connect to the past and value the joy that music brings.
Hatzlacha rabba.
bracha v'hatzlacha.
b'chol ma'asei yadeichem.