Thursday, April 5, 2007


Remove pin from package.
Insert in ego.
Wait for deflation to begin.
Listen to the sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.

What they don't tell you is it doesn't last.
So much for the "guaranteed to work - or your money back".
Yeah right.

How many times do I need to say it?
Be gone.
Do not follow me.
Do not shadow me.
Over years and up hills and down valleys, through rivers of tears, mountains of hope I manage to bump into you.
Quite expected at times.
Surprising at others.

It's like this.
The ego goes puff puff puff.
Then one day I've had it.
So I shoot you down.
Or so I thought.
Till I gloat when I've hit the bulls eye.
So I beat myself up for the gloat, and find myself at the bottom of the pit.
Which I must admit.
Feels pretty good.
And I walk around on the ocean floor.
Proud of the depths I have reached.
Till I realize you've followed me here too.

How many disguises do you have?
Let me count the ways.
You come in the form of silence when asked "who did the dishes".
You come in the form of a knowing smile when someone else trips over their own ego.
You come in the form of a pat on the back for a humble job well done.

Will you ever leave me be?
Is there an expiration date on you?


And the battle continues.


Anonymous said...

You have too much time on your hands. Please get back in the kitchen and help Ma.

Cookie said...

oh "anonymous" soul.
you leave your fingerprints on my laptop.
you can run, but you can't hide.
don't be surprised if you find yourself short-sheeted tomorrow.

soldier said...

i just realized what the pic is!!
yeah yeah
anyway........ i am going to eat matzah for the rest of the year for bitul
if you ever want some you know where i live