Need I say more? Respect, people.
After a long and heated d.m.c. with a dear relative about the pros and cons of blog life (what with the modesty slash privacy slash yikes factors) I seriously considered closing down shop.
Blogging suddenly appeared less innocent than I had seen it till now.
And in many ways she was right.
I mean, just because it's a blog and not my house does that make this a kosher place to hang with anonymous dudes and chat with no-name guys?
Not that I would want that.
Oh no.
Yet just the fact that that's where it could end up made me wanna crawl into a tree trunk and go to sleep for a long, long time. But it was cold in the tree trunk and not quite as comfy as my bed.
So I made a compromise.
Keep the blog.
But let it be known...
This blog is for GIRLS only.
(and anyways boys have the cooties)
chaneh, here's a better title for this post, "It's worse than you think and they are out to get you".
- Kalteh Vaser Shvester
Men will look even into the vayber shul, but you just gotta keep davening.
its like in the little rascals but reversed
its the she woman man haters club
i'll change my name to peeping theresa (pt for short)so noone will suspect me of being male.
ur awesome
(aaaaand im kinda sorry cuz i think i sorta 'advertised' your blog on mine so maybe that's where the guys creeped in. im sorry. and ur totally right-boys have cooties)
Think of it as those adverts on jewish music cds:
"Do not play this cd on shabbos or yom tov" or women's cds "For women only".
It don't mean people's gonna listen, but hey...just wanna put it out there.
No lookie lookie...
ps hama - if you think i'm gonna help you out with design in the future think again. thanks alot. ;)
mim, i just figured out what the world changlove means - i thought it had something to do with gloves...? nbst - heheh, although yeah, no hate just pray in the men's shul please. pt - phew. (lol)
sab - no need to apologize, just keep laughing. it's refreshing.
Shabbat shalom likulam!
mimi, at the risk of sounding a bit controversial,isn't that kinda like saying "men might look into my room but i'll just go on dressing" (alright, it's a little extreme, but really the same concept) Hey, many people are fine with that but we could be proactive and pull down the window shades and lock the door.
Meaning to say that, while caution is always in order, one should never stop doing something productive because of risks involved. If the good outdoes the bad, we don't highlight and embolden potential dangers. We don't cater to the things that may go wrong. Going with my example (or Chani's rather, I mean to say that just because men will look into the women's side does not mean you don't come to shul (rather, maybe it means making the mechitza a bit sronger, at best). Comprende?
u guys agree
i feel like i'm on the hilltop.
L'chaim kneidlach.
hana hana
Right. we agree. and we can choose the shul with the better mechitza.
freilichin voch.
"If the good outdoes the bad, we don't highlight and embolden potential dangers. We don't cater to the things that may go wrong."
Any idea why our esteemed Chazal set up Jewish law as we know it today?
hey, i have the copyright on that name :)
I already made two comments before reading this post. Why is this blog like the women's section of a synagogue? Are there minyanim running here? I did not come across anything that seemed private. If you let me stay, I promise not to spread cuties. But hey, if you want to kick the old Rambler out, it's your blog, so I'll let you call the shots.
P.S. I've never been to a shul that has a mechitza you can't see through, and this Rambler has been to plenty.
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