Shimon his son said: "All my days I grew up among the sages and did not find anything better for one's person than silence."
(last weeks perek)
Did I ever mention that Pirkei Avos has to be one of my favorite books in the whole wide world?
For the first time I've been counting sefirah with Simon Jacobson's book and it is totally awesome so I was thinking today how I need way more than just one day to work on each of the forty nine steps. I could work my whole life on perfecting these sefiros!
Then I realized...Duh...That's the whole point.
A gitte voch alleh yidden
Chaaaaaaaang, me too! My first year doing it all the way with Simon's book. Loving it, but had the same thoughts about the magnitude of it all. Good to hear your thoughts and conclusion. Yay - soldierette encouragement!
Duh Chani, its all about perfecting and perfection!
mim - thank you for your encouragement, oh hilltop warrior. i just borrowed the JLI "kabbala of the character" from chabad mv - wanna learn the whole thing. i have a feeling it's gonna be an expanded version of s.j.'s booklet...keep you posted. iyh :)
dorie - i hope this day treats you well...
so much for shhh right
and i had to break my silence
(as if i am every silent!!!!)
that had nothing to do with anything
ok me is shhing now
unannoiing right
how r u dear?
Your blog is lovely.
Wishing you a wonderful counting!
picture of u
well apparently we "recount" the sefirah each year.....well its wonderful to be able to post from so far (but yet so close).
i should abandon the computer more often...
(i think it's been almost 24 hours!)
please rise as we welcome our distinguished guests (i almost wrote extinguished...yikes) from far (ROSTOV) and near (SF, Seattle)as well as really really near (HB CA)
'tis an honor to have you all...and a blessing to this blog home.
if i can get you something to drink...a bite to eat...maybe something to read?
let me know.
ah groysen yasher koach to l'alter l'thuva who graces us with his presence and wit. are you really the II?
ps anonymous, i assume that you refer to the norman rockwell picture as being a picture of me.
trying to splash my human frailties across the front pages?
thanks alot.
my new post awaits posting...on my laptop...
no wi-fi here.
Changeleh (nice twist, ah?),
Thanks for the welcome, now can you give us something to drink? Words of wisdom...
People expect it of me sometimes, and your blog has been the only one I've felt that way about, consistently checking it and being happily surprised at how often you post cute/funny/inspiring reads.
Don't stop...
Blogrolled you!
talk about some of the four corners of the world!!!
now all we need is to unite with the rest of the jews from the four corners of the world
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