Thursday, April 12, 2007

Miracles Abound (edited version)

So many miracles on this 24th day of nissan year 5767 since the creation of this lowest of worlds with the highest potential for G-dliness.


It was one of those retail therapy session days.
Meant to sooth the spirit and inspire the wardrobe.

To get a gift for baby Rashi and perhaps a little something for me to wear.
The latter is due to a huge lack of summer attire.
Which I blame wholly on the missing modesty of 99.9% of designers this time of year.

The miracles began when I decided to park at a different entrance to Cerritos Mall than I usually frequent.
Coming in through this new and previously unexplored doorway I am forced to pass by Lady Footlocker.
Not my favorite store...and yet something makes me walk in.

And there on the display table, in all their glory, lay the sneakers of my dreams.
Oh, the colors and design on my fab Diesel sneaks were so perfect.
Perfect, that is, until I glanced at the price tag and noticed a rather steep $89.00 sticker...
(ok, maybe newyorkers spend that much on fashion sneakers, but here in CA we are slightly more responsible. ;) )

"It's about time I spend a little on looking half decent," I told my frugal soul.

And so, without a second thought I tried on those puppies, strode confidently to the counter and prepared myself for spendage.
When suddenly the young gal behind the counter rings me up and announces:
"That will be $56.00."
I was sure she made a mistake.
$56.00? What happened to $89.00???

My conscience starts up with me...should I tell her the real price? Is it my fault she rung up the wrong amount?
But no.
She made NO error.
The shoes were on SALE!!!

Three japanese cheers...
phooey, phooey, phooey!

Needless to say, I floated out of Lady Footlocker on wings of gratitude and a wink at my worn out Converse down below.

But the miracles are not over.

Time flies by like clouds passing in the sky...

Baby Gap proved ever reliable with a 'cute as a flute' little white sleeveless, summery, something or-other, size 0-3 months.

And a gift box to boot.
Not to mention tissue paper.
And a gift bag.
Thank you very much.

Sadly, the effects of my footlocker miracle were short lived.
As I visited store after store, my heart sinks.
There is nothing to buy!
And I look like creme-de-cacao.

Something about seeing new clothes makes your everyday attire seem dowdier than last years goodwill sale.
I start to doubt my entire sense of fashion, taste, existing wardrobe and hope for the future.
All seems lost.
My self esteem is in the dirt.
This retail therapy has turned into retail reality-check slash loserville.

Da da da dum.

Suddenly I hear a voice from behind me.
I spin around, slightly shaken, to find an old friend from days gone by.
We will call her Charlie for the sake of anonymoty. (sp?)
(wrong, just checked Word. anonymity)

Let me tell you a little about Charlie.
Charlie is sadly not the happiest person you've ever met.
Aside from being a social misfit with a disfunctional family, Charlie suffers from an over-eating disorder and a severe weight problem.
She has few if any friends.
No job.
Little going on her life.
So sad.

Charlie asks what I'm buying, "as it is Sefira," she points out.
Oops. Totally forgot.
I hide my shoe bag.
(There goes my sneaker miracle.)
(Although now that I think about it, my Converse were obviously ruining my shidduch, and for that you can definitely buy new.)

I tell Charlie that I came to buy a gift for my new niece.
She wishes me mazel tov, so I ask her what she is doing in the mall, oh holy sefirah shopper?
(Just kidding)

Charlie leans towards me confidentially and whispers, "I came to buy some clothes but Lane Bryant didn't have a size for me."

Oh dear.
Lane Bryant...that's the store I once walked into...admiring a skirt hanging in the window.
A kind sales person approached me and gently prodded me towards the door.
"I don't think anything in here will fit you my dear."
(Darn, that skirt was so cute.)

A silent tear trickles invisibly down my face.
Poor thing.
Forget about shopping for new summer clothes, this dear girl can't even find something that fits her.

My mood is broken.
Pity for Charlie shakes me out of my spoiled, 'nothing to buy', 'nothing to wear' reverie.
Sorry Charlie.
Sorry Hashem.
Sorry for forgetting to thank you for all the challenges you spared me.
Sorry for not appreciating my favorite jean skirt...brown corduroy jacket with the embroidered flowers...the ability to just throw something together and look half decent...

I will not take these things for granted.
Till the next time I go shopping that is.


And the battle begins anew.

Our author made it safely home with her purchases following a large escapade at BB&B. Upon opening her trunk she finds too many parcels to carry. Eyes raised towards the heavens she wishes someone could come help her with the bags.
Not a moment later a car pulls up from behind.
It's Nahama.

Did someone say miracles?


soldier said...

that is such a beautiful piece... really makes a person think!!

but for now i am just listen!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i am crying from laughter. After Australia Lane Bryant was my friend.

Cookie said...

s - you will receive a check for child support in the mail.
walk sign is up for you whenever you want it.

dif - recalling all those precious times...indeed i hardly recognized you.
nice to have friends, but some are better to lose than others.
although they do have some very cute designs... maybe one day i will...

soldier said...

me is confused... child support???

gut shabbos
only simcha

Hashem please hear me!!

soldier said...

is the walking sign still up???

btw just becuase it is the sifra does not mean that i cant be happy or cant sing

thank you 8thday for allowing me to hear the songs.. because know i cant stop singing them!!!
simcha portez geder
happy jars all around... including the fallen soldiers how will get back up stronger and more eager to contiune the battle......

Cookie said...

child support is for your support of my thoughts and ideas and child because you are a child at heart.

good luck with the music thing.
you con doo eet...