May You Be Healed
Do you believe in G-d?
Do you believe that He recreates the world every moment?
Every second.
That he has the ability to make fire cold and marble soft. To change every plan made by man?
Every single day in shacharis before shma we say the words: Hamichdesh bituvo bichol yom tamid maasei bereishis.
He, who in his goodness creates anew, continuously, every single day, the work of creation.
Do you believe the doctors who say: "It never can be", or the G-d that says: "Do you dare to limit my abilities? I recreate the world every you think this excludes you?
(who me?... :) )
Do you lose faith in light of what others predict for you?
Boruch Hagever Asher Yiftach BaHashem, Vihaya a Hashem Mivtacho.
Blessed is he who trusts in Hashem and Hashem becomes his trust.
Sometimes the only thing we have is our trust in the Aibishter.
When the whole world says one thing and you hope and pray and put your trust in Him for the alternative...and the world laughs at you and says: "Who do you think you're gonna be the exception to the rule???"
Because by putting your trust in Hashem - Hashem becomes the rule, rather than the exception to the rule.
And the person is blessed through the Bitachon.
It's Rosh Chodesh Iyar.
The head of the month that stands for "Ani Hashem Rofecha"
I am Hashem your healer.
May you be blessed this month with healing on all levels; be it physical, spiritual, psychological...
Be it thanking those who've done for you.
Be it forgiving those who've hurt you.
Including yourself.
May all your booboos go away.
And may the matzah of healing continue it's magical effects through the rest of the year.
A gutten chodesh.
chodesh tov!!
i like this. thanks for sharing. maybe i will also.
we were once at the ohel and one of my younger sisters sat there feeling lousy because she had nothing to write.
i told her to bless her life and the fact that she had nothing to write...and she should just tell the Rebbe some good news.
something about this post reminds me of that story...
anyhoo, amein to both of you and thanks for visiting sabra...yesh lach blog blog yaffa (eh?) miod...
hana hana
amen!amen! I've come to the recent conclusion that most doctors dont even know whats really good for you. Be your own doctor. You may not trust yourself, but you've got a higher source to trust in.
im blushing
pt - thanks for the shortened version. i was gonna start charging you rent...
sabrasita - no blushing allowed zone...
ever peak into someone else's life and they are so awesomely chilled out.
I should chill out.
Or wow, they are so awesomely able to laugh at themselves.
I should laugh at myself more.
yes i do
did i understand where that flew in from?
not necessarily
(as in, at first i didn't, then i thought about it a bit and thought ok fine maybe i do, but then i realized i shouldn't take chances)
o and derech agav-i don't know how to blush
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