Hassidic Rambler
I have a friend who's a chassidic rambler who recently started a blog.
Her mind is like a leaf blowing in the wind...tumbling hither and tither...thinking, thinking, thinking...
So it got me thinking about how blogs are so personal and really reveal your innermost thoughts and feelings and it's not like when you meet a person in the flesh because they can keep their mouths shut and you never know what they're really thinking, only what they want you to think and life is so much safer and more protected but I guess when you blog you can lie but that would be so dumb because if you use them properly blogs can really help you to become more honest with yourself and also to be brave and not worry so much about what people think about you and if you what you are saying sounds dumb or if people will like what you post and if anyone will comment... and how everything can be used for the good or for the bad and some people use the internet to spread light and i don't want to think about what other people use it for because it makes me sad.
What is it about fellow Jews. Where does our love come from?
Why is it that when I sit looking at pictures and reading the profiles of young students at Virginia tech I feel so, so very sad, but when I read about and see the picture of Liviu Librescu, the 76 year old professor who was shot while fending off the madman from his students my eyes overflow with tears for this adorable man with his little white kipa.
It makes me want to appreciate all the holocaust survivors of the world.
All the bubbies and zaidies.
I want to hug them and speak with them and hear their memories, their words of wisdom.
Why do we need death to remind us about life?
But I don't want to end on a sad note so I will share a hassidic rambler note...soup bucket money radio.
True story - my cousins were playing balderdash and they were doing initials so the initials were S.B.M.R. and my little cousin rg didn't really understand that you should make up something like "Southern Baltimore Music Recital" she thought it was just any random words so she wrote "Soup Bucket Money Radio".
Shoot, Shmulie's gonna bite me for spilling 8th day secrets.
And RG will bite me too.
Mah La'asot.
Nighty night my fellow Jews.
I love you very much.
Don't stop, Chani. You're one of our strongest fighters.
Like a proud mother,
I wonder if the creators of Balderdash ever imagined how much the game would impact peoples lives... er..i mean vocabulary. Corybungus, Truckle, Tragemesgalia... My 3 year old niece used one of these words on me the other day! So much for an innocent siblings night of Balderdash.
What I really meant to say was that blogs are probably the strangest thing in such a world where everything personal "must be private" They are practically a person's diary or journal gone public. How Brave of those who let it go...
And if we met face to face you would never know what i thought about your thoughts becuase i would probably never approach you. Just goes to show how brave i am :)
thanks mom.
see you at boot camp...
hey, that would be cool to figure out what each position in the physical army corresponds to on high... :)
p.t. tell me about it... lol on balderdash, one of me fave games.
peeping tom,
who are you?
I'll be nice- i wont bite you.
Its behind me.
Its in the past.
Ive erased it from my mind.
Continuation from previous:
you know what, come to think of it... maybe i should bite you for writing this little commment- but my kindness is really overtaking me.
chassidic rambler talk to me....
the song
i just have to say that i noticed that you changed the thingy to pop up instead of go to a different page
and also how amazing jews are, how they are will to give their life to save another
lchaim obracha
thanks blog cop - gotta keep things safe.
hey there rg
you are kinder than kind and i much appreciate.
sodier...i see you got it. :)
the song!
yeh. yeh. yeh.
moshiach has a lot of explaining to do...
just doing my job
your check is in the mail
is being anonymous threatening?
Don't take it personally p.t. - blog cop ensures that no serial killers or inappropriate relationships spring up round these parts.
Blogs aren't as safe as they used to be (or were they ever) and in this war against evil that we battle daily you can never be to careful.
If you have a blog I highly suggest hiring my blog cop.
She's gooooooooooooood.
Yeah, well ya know those FBI agents on myspace who pose as little 'uns to catch the bad boys? well, i bet some shadchanim have their spys out there as well...
me is really your friend????!!!!!
wow i dont why that just made me really happy to read
all the older ppls who i am friends with never really say this is my friend.... gosh thats really touching chana chana
Hi, Cookie. Thanx for naming a post after me! I love your blog. I put up a link to it. What do you think of mine? I also love that song by 8th day. It's useful to know how they come up with such good lyrics. Maybe I will try playing balderdash to write my next blog post.
Blog Cop, could you please patrol my blog as well every once and a while? It doesn't get much traffic. In fact it's practically deserted.
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