Be My Guest
Well hello there my dearest friends and extended blog family.
Just so you know I've decided to officially change this site from a blog to an official chill space.
Welcome to my living room here in cyberspace.
Feel free to make yourself at home, pull up a chair, a couch, recliner.
As you have probably noticed we recently hired an interior decorator to do some renovations around here so please let us know what you think of the new decor.
And if you have any suggestions don't be shy.
So...what can I get you?
Anyone for something to drink?
We have cocoa, coffee, tea, smoothies and water...
Anyhoo, thanks for stopping in.
Sleep over if you wish.
And don't forget to bring something next time you come.
Anything starting with an 'f'.
Why an f?
Well, f is for friendship.
Can someone please turn off the lamp?
Makes me smile...
and love the new look, much more you (how'd you get it, though?).
you changed your bloggy blog decor!!
i love what you did with the place!!
very nice.. and spice.. and dice.. ice.. mice.... anything else that rythms...
me is in good mood
nothing to do with anything what i have to say..but yes.. have a wonderful,colorful,beautiful day!!
love from crown heights
i was pleasantly surprised to see that your blog currently sports the vinrant colors of a vital spring. more power to you.
love the new decor
hello the straining is ringing but i just notice your deciation thingy
sd choce blue crocys!! wow
gotta light
see you at the moshaich sheudah
I actually had to pay alot for the renovation so i'm afraid i will have to start charging for visiting.
every time you visit this here site your credit card will automatically be charged a fee.
thanks for your support.
the management.
are you serious?
just kidding.
Love the new do! 2 points to you!
(that sorta rhymed no?)
PS: I''ll have a hot chocolate
One hot chocolate comin' right up.
No need to pay, it's on the house.
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