Sunday, December 21, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Coming right up:
Serious wackattack to any and all amalekite thoughts, feelings or actions
Beginning of lamplighters anonymous therapy group
Just healthy good fun
Dinner at 7:00
Be there
or be a loser
Posted by Cookie at 1:32 PM 1 comments
a new year.
a new blog
oh but i must post something this yud tes kislev
but i am so hungry i must go eat something
and rochel and dalia are coming to learn some 7 minutes ago
i better put on the's cold in here
be right back
Posted by Cookie at 9:34 AM 1 comments
Monday, December 8, 2008
i was walking down rosewood
on my way to shul
passing all the blossoming fall trees that never change their colors
did you know that la is beautiful?
i never knew
so a few blocks from my house i notice two trucks coming up the street.
one a garbage truck.
the other a fedex delivery truck.
stopping by the different homes.
on the same block.
mind wanders
around the block and back
we are all like trucks in this world.
we can deliver important packages.
or go around collecting everybody's garbage...
Posted by Cookie at 8:10 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
lots of L's
illustration by linda solovic
little girl,
life is full of lessons
every day is like a lifetime.
we live and learn
and laugh at ourselves
if we're lucky.
Posted by Cookie at 12:07 PM 2 comments
Friday, May 23, 2008
A kosher un freilichen Lag B'omer
painting by hufreesh dumasia
to all my dear sisters and brothers
from near, from far, from everywhere.
may you be bencht
with a lichtigen yar
where the bonfires in your hearts glow all day and all night
with joy and passion and love for your fellow
in the merit of all the great tzaddikim
upon whose shoulders we stand
Posted by Cookie at 9:08 AM 1 comments
Thursday, May 22, 2008
a lovely day to you too
life continues to fascinate
and surprise
it humbles us up the hills
and tests us in the valleys
but the best is when it showers us with delicious rains of blessing
around the bends
of life's journey
here's wishing you bucket loads of revealed brachos every moment of every day.
Posted by Cookie at 12:42 PM 2 comments
Thursday, May 8, 2008
BOOOOOOOOM shakalaka
I have a new rule.
No computer before davvening.
Rule broken yet again.
Dang-a-ma-wang it.
Well, all I want to say is hey have a great day and look the sun even came out now my bananas will ripen and we can make banana almond rice milk smoothies yummeroo.
I'm off.
Posted by Cookie at 9:32 AM 0 comments
the rhino and the elephant
funny felt animals by koko
how delicious are these guys? man. talent people. this is it.
Rhino and elephant were on a boat.
Who was left?
Posted by Cookie at 9:27 AM 3 comments
the story of a little egg
illustration by hannah konola
i'm sitting on the platform next to all the other thomas trains.
engines steaming, whistles blowing.
waiting, waiting, waiting...
twiddling my thumbs, knitting a scarf, reading a book, whittling away at time.
just waiting for the conductor to wave the flag...
till i finally realize the conductor is me.
GO you little dimwit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Cookie at 8:59 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
it is 3:00
the laundry is cleaned and folded
the shopping is put away
dinner is on my mind
summer is on its way
i would invite you for tea
but alas we have no couch
Posted by Cookie at 4:58 PM 3 comments
where have you gone
illustration by lauren nassef
whenever i see your pictures on facebook
it makes me want to crawl back into bed
and hide
and then
when i'm safe and sound
from under my blanket
i wanna call you up
and invite you over
for a play date
just to play
no talk
no world
no peers
no pressures
no preconceived notions
no cynicism
just me and you
and a box of lincoln logs
Posted by Cookie at 4:12 PM 16 comments
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Silver and Gold
so you're going along, minding your own business...
ladadee ladada...
same old same old, every day routine old...
when suddenly
life sends you a whole new script.
so you start rolling along with the new things that come with new things...
running running
no more thinking
shopping, buying, choices.
white gold, rose gold, yellow gold?
princess cut, tiffany setting?
full skirt, lace, no lace?
everything new
so new
for a moment you forget the old.
then one day things settle for a moment and you have a chance to go and read a word of inspiration.
so you check in to
and read a simple baal shem tov story.
all the sudden everything comes settling down around you like the snow inderoysen.
life simplifies.
peace reigns.
you start to remember who you are and what you are and where you're going.
and the old and the new come together like old friends.
how lucky are we that we were blessed with the tools and means to reconnect with our source, anytime, anywhere.
Posted by Cookie at 7:52 PM 7 comments
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
In Case You Were Wondering...
trust in Hashem
and you will surely know
Hashem will help you
wherever you may go
but there's so much to learn rebbie
all the sforim in the library
it'll take so long to learn every one
i'm afraid i'll never be a talmud chacham
so when your heart gets heavy
let me tell something true
it will help if you remember
that you are a chosen jew
and moshiach is coming soon
to melt away our pain
just like a candle melted
by its burning flame
why am i writing songs in the middle of the night, you ask? hmmmm.
dunno. that's what's running through my head...
the clouds will part
the rays shine through
six thousand suns
will raise anew
(that is such a beautiful song.
i wish i knew the real words.)
must go to bed.
let's talk again another time, eh?
as life awaits us on the other side of morning.
wishing you all pleasant dreams and only good things.
Posted by Cookie at 12:33 AM 8 comments