This is a post for you to come back and read one of those days when you're feeling kinda like a loser slash loner slash need someone to talk to person.
That day when all the clouds are grey.
And your friends have gone away.
Your memory draws a blank on all happy thoughts and occasions that may have happened in your life.
You forget you've ever done anything worthwhile.
You doubt anyone is thinking of you or missing you.
You can't find a single thing to smile about.
You feel sad.
You feel lonely.
You feel like nobody cares about you.
You feel like zero.
Well, aside from telling you that:
a. being unhappy is totally lame and
b. you are in control of your own happiness and
c. nobody likes depressed people and
d. you'll be out of it in no time and
e. you're not the only one who ever felt like this...
here are some suggestions to help you get out of your lame little funky state:
Go do something for someone.
Buy someone a present.
Put on some awesome music.
(Preferably Jewish as the alternative is bad for the spirit as it is)
Color a picture in a coloring book.
Paint your room.
Change around the furniture.
Give away half of your closet to some friends who could use some clothes.
Drive somewhere with the windows closed and sing on top of your lungs.
Do a cartwheel.
Cry for all the little one with shattered lives and broken homes.
Laugh at yourself.
Go outside and smell a rose.
Hold a sleeping baby.
Make yourself a hot cocoa.
Send an email to all your buddies and wait for the replies to come in.
Go to sleep and wake up in the morning with the sunshine.