Walk with Gratitude
I would like to take this time to be grateful.
For everything.
We have so much to be thankful for.
Too often we need some tragic event to trigger thoughts of gratitude...
Or the sight of another's handicap or troubles...
I wish we could just be grateful when things are wonderfully, awesomely good.
Or even when they're just simply normal.
More so when they're just simply normal.
My oh my, do we find so much to kvetch about.
From the most seemingly important: (Where is my husband)
To the most obviously silly: (I have nothing to wear)
Here's to the ability to become accustomed to having so many good things we can take them for granted.
Here's to remembering to be grateful everyday for everything we were given.
it is soo true!L'chaim!
you are extremely inspiring!!!!!!!!
L'chaim to opening our eyes to see how grateful we should be!
Nu?! I thought you were posting tonight.
- A dissapointed and waiting fan (identified above)
listen up cocoa puff.
easy on the pressure.
inspiration when shut eye is necessary is inspiration-not.
i'll just keep you on those tippy toes ballerina.
hi guys - i hope you weren't bored with my shpiel today which you've heard many a time. thanks for the positive comments (ahem mimi) (jk) (:))
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