Living your own life.
Why is it that we need to learn things for ourselves?
Makes more sense that there were those before us who've lived basically the same lives as us.
Made the same mistakes.
Followed the same trends.
Been there.
Done that.
Travelled the word, taking the same pictures in the same places with different people.
Trying the same daring escapades for the first time.
Crying, laughing, living.
They should be telling us.
Cushioning us from the traumas of life.
The crashes.
The slips and slides.
All those things that hit us in the face and go boom.
Those moments we look back upon with 20/20 vision.
They should be writing books.
Guide books.
How-to-life books.
"What to do in every situation" books.
But they do.
Indeed, there seems to be hundreds of them.
Maybe thousands.
Wisdom of the sages, the rich and famous, the poor and weathered.
Ain chadash tachas ha'shemesh.
Everything has happened before...with a twist.
And yet, how often do we ignore the words of wisdom.
We have a burning desire to try things for ourselves.
Figure it all out on our own.
Make our own ways.
It takes time but it happens.
We finally see.
We know.
We say "ahh, that's what she was saying..."
NOW I get it.
Here's to learning from other's mistakes instead of having to make them.
I love this post. this person you're writing about should give a class or something! :)
i share the same experiences as the topic of discussion - so we can give a joint class! ;)
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