Wednesday, December 20, 2006

It's A Sign

My blog let me in tonight (thank you bloggy) so this means I must post something.
Although it is quite late.
And this here summer shepherdess is quite pooped...

Dear birthday sisters.
Remember this.
And you will be in good shape.

You're more powerful than you realize.
Hold onto that power.
Make sure it doesn't get diluted or polluted by the neitzer harah and his cronies.
Keep on being inspired and by default you will inspire others.
And when life starts getting you down...
Just know.
It's not about you,
It's about HIM.
And what your part of HIM is.
So do your part.
Cuz you've got a huge chunk of it.
I love you.
Happy Un-Birthday

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

You Can't Get Me Down

Musings of an optimal optimist.

You send me black clouds.
I'm in the dark.
You blow my candle out.
There goes my spark.

Don't be fooled.

You think you’ve won.
Pat yourself on the back for a job well done.

You send me insults.
Truth and fiction.
Try to jeopardize my position.

“You’re a lost hope.
A cracked bowl.
You tripped and fell inside a hole.
An item on the sale rack.
That broken lamp someone brought back.

How can you believe things will ever be good?
You would.
Silly girl.
Welcome to the real world baby.”

Your mantra sounds like a dying dream.
Give up.
Give in.
Cry a little.
Mourn a bit.


This my life.

I control my own happiness.

Not you.

You cynical snoot.

You atheistic pig.

You unbelieving pessimist.





Listen up buster.
Just know this...
Deep inside of me there shines a light.
The light of an optimist.
An idealist.
An "everything is, was and will be good" light.

Close to my heart there’s the child within me.
That child I work so hard to hold on to.
Never let her go.
Simple faith.
Innocent trust.
That everything is His.
And everything is good.

I must admit sometimes I trip on those little rocks you drop for me.
I can stumble.
I can fall.

But I have a secret.

I have my own rocks.
Towers of strength to keep me up when the going gets tough.
I wear wrist guards and helmets.
Knee pads.
Bullet-proof vests.
You can't get me.

Today I choose to ignore your attempts at sabotage.

So be gone you Neitzer Harah.

I bite you.

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Walk with Gratitude

I would like to take this time to be grateful.
For everything.

We have so much to be thankful for.
Too often we need some tragic event to trigger thoughts of gratitude...
Or the sight of another's handicap or troubles...
I wish we could just be grateful when things are wonderfully, awesomely good.
Or even when they're just simply normal.

More so when they're just simply normal.

My oh my, do we find so much to kvetch about.
From the most seemingly important: (Where is my husband)
To the most obviously silly: (I have nothing to wear)

Here's to the ability to become accustomed to having so many good things we can take them for granted.
Here's to remembering to be grateful everyday for everything we were given.

2:00 am

It's the night after the wedding.
The sun has long been asleep (yeah right, it's working it's head off in Israel right now) and I sit here still dressed in my wedding best. (ok not really my best, but the best I could do with nothing to wear.)
T'was loverly, indeed.
Good people.
Good food.
Great dancing.

I love watching un-self conscious people dance.
It's awesome.
One day I will learn to dance like them.

But now it is time for bed.
So i bid thee adiu.
To you and you and you.
A gutte nacht.
And may we all be blessed to fulfill all of our potentials for tomorrow.

Mazel Tov Rebbe and Rebbetzin

The following post...

was inspired by a special someone but is in no way a judgement of her.

Living your own life.

Why is it that we need to learn things for ourselves?
Makes more sense that there were those before us who've lived basically the same lives as us.
Made the same mistakes.
Followed the same trends.
Been there.
Done that.
Travelled the word, taking the same pictures in the same places with different people.
Trying the same daring escapades for the first time.
Crying, laughing, living.

They should be telling us.
Cushioning us from the traumas of life.
The crashes.
The slips and slides.
All those things that hit us in the face and go boom.
Those moments we look back upon with 20/20 vision.

They should be writing books.
Guide books.
How-to-life books.
"What to do in every situation" books.

But they do.
Indeed, there seems to be hundreds of them.
Maybe thousands.
Wisdom of the sages, the rich and famous, the poor and weathered.
Ain chadash tachas ha'shemesh.
Everything has happened before...with a twist.

And yet, how often do we ignore the words of wisdom.
We have a burning desire to try things for ourselves.
Figure it all out on our own.
Make our own ways.

It takes time but it happens.
We finally see.
We know.
We say "ahh, that's what she was saying..."
NOW I get it.

Here's to learning from other's mistakes instead of having to make them.

Olam Hasheker...

Dove Video

Sunday, December 3, 2006

Nobody wants to talk to you.

People like happy people.
Happy people are healthy.
They're helpful.
They're kind.
They smile and bring the sunshine along with them.
Something's always cooking and laughter's not too far away.
Happy people are refreshing.
Like a breath of fresh air.
Good energy abounds when happy people are around.
Put on a happy face.
It makes all the difference.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Reality hits

i have nothing to say.
no words of wisdom.
no interesting thoughts.
no daydreams.
no nightmares.
my new blog has proven me a failure.

not a failure.
just a blog failure.
i'm really good at other things.
like swimming.
coloring in the lines.
peeling veggies.
putting away folding tables.

ego healed.

old blog found!

so there were only two posts...
still made my night.

(excerpt from blog #1 Tzfas 5756)

Dear Blog,
Something about the whole blog thing...what with other people viewing them and all...must have some sort of reprecussions (sp) on the content of what is written.
(pretty cool that blogger has no spell check. straight up human frailties exposed)
I would really rather this act as a diary of sorts, with no thought of anyone ever viewing it.
In that way i can write without thought to whether or not i sound sophisticated/intelligent/insightful/creative/original/funkadelic...etc. list goes on.
Truth is, i already feel slightly intimidated by blogging and have probably already fallen prey to the writing self-consciousness.
man alive.
I lay in bed till who knows last night thinking of all the things i wanna write on my new blog.
Something about morning makes midnight ramblings sound silly.
But i shall not bow to the pressures of blogging and shall record any silly thought i deem worthy of recording for my own sanity and posterity.

p.s. the word is repercussions. sorry mrs. joseph

lost in cyberspace

what happens to all the blogs that are begun and forgotten.
months pass and i try to remember the name.
alas many tries later i give up and start again.

dear first blog,
i will never forget you.
maybe one day we shall meet.


if you have nothing good to say, don't say anything at all.
- ta'ism

everyone should come with a blog

so you meet someone. chill with them for a day, a week...nice.
then they tell you they have a blog.
i check it out, facinated. read it cover to cover.
whole new respect. whole new perspective.

i think everyone should come with a blog.

(hence the blog)