B"H This blog is still dedicated to Sheindel D. who still continues to be the love of my life. She still loves pink but has made the shocking choice for a pair of (gasp) blue crocs.
It's been decided that rather than shut down, I will merely start anew...
so thanks for coming
come back if you're ever bored
and on those days when i have something impersonal to share, i'll share
old habits die hard
meet you in yerushalayim ir hakodesh
- chani
Posted by
11:38 PM
what can i say
a door closes and a window opens
i wonder........
see you in yerushalayim
moshiach now
no no!! Please stay!
just realized why i was sad when i first read this post
cuz i remember it from its growing stages
these posts helped me alot last year
and whenever
always made me smile
like a friend always waiting to greet me everytime i came on the interent
even if i had seen the same post
for like however long
a day
half a day
a week
a month
it still made me smile
and then a new post would come and id get soo excited
like hooray chani posted!
i would just like to thank you for this blog which has been such an awesome home page!
layla tov
chassidus chlomot
chassidusa teachings and going higher!
We're all glad you re-opened..
you have a very pretty blog. it's very colorful and pretty.
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