Happy Roshashana
Sitting in Shmateo
eating frosted flakes
and soy milk
in a fleishig bowl
on erev rosh hashana 5768.
I remember once going to the Ohel with my little sister.
And as I sat writing,
surrounded by people writing away their sorrows,
all those sobbing sphardim, pensive chassidim, teary eyed moms...
she sat there slightly bored.
Having already written the general intro and extro on her pan.
She turned to me -
"Chani, I have nothing to write."
This Rosh Hashana I give you all a bracha
that you should never have "anything to write",
no true sorrows, struggles, hardships, health/wealth/relationship issues to cry about.
We should only pray from gratefulness and thankfulness and joy
rather than from lack and need and sorrow.
Moshiach nower.
Ksivah v'chasima tova ~ L'shana tova umesuka ~ A gut gebentched yar
shana tova chana'le
moshiach nowest!
Although, I learned a letter just last week in which the Rebbe wrote that he was upset that he (the writee) didn't communicate regularily with the Rebbe, rather only when he had issues.
I give you a bracha that you should have many good things to write about, and that you maintain a wonderful relationship with all those you care about.
gmar chatima tova
true dat
i hope your alls were great as was mine.
regards to my sis over there in s.mateo ...
who's your sis???
thats a wonderful brocha. neva thought of that. course we should have good things to write about, of course of course, but neat angle.
thanks sab
and to you p - regards hath been sent
gmar chasima tova
thanks, now
think im crazy
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