Your Greatest Strength?
There's good news and there's bad news.
The GOOD news is we all have strengths.
The BAD news is we all have weaknesses.
Or is it the bad news?
Think about it.
Hashem created us each with a different nature.
We naturally have strengths and weaknesses but for which of these do we get credit?
Does the child who is born with the great gift of giving receive praise for giving?
Should we marvel at the happy child's constant state of happiness?
How about the kabalas ol'nik who accepts the will of G-d with no complaint?
When it is time for compassion and the compassionate person is compassionate is it praiseworthy?
When it is time to help and the helpful person is helpful do we sigh in awe?
How about this.
The judgemental person who holds back from giving criticism even though the thoughts and desire are there.
The lazy person who forces herself to get up and get something for herself instead of asking someone else to get it.
The loud person who bites his tongue rather than speak when silence is necessary.
The shy person who goes out of her way to say hello to someone although it is painful.
Strengths are good.
But overcoming weakness?
Now this is something.
Not good.
Awe inspiring.
So the next time you find out that you're human (gasp) and you are far from perfect (double gasp) and you are just riddled with frailty...
Don't beat yourself up.
Figure out your weaknesses.
Make up a list.
A long list.
And then go right ahead and use them for greatness.
Cuz they're greater than any of your greatest strengths can ever be.
L'chaim to finding all your weaknesses and transforming them into your truly greatest strengths.
chana you have inspired me yet again!!!
we have to learn in depth about this one day no?
what are you doing up madam???
Yes, this is true. Something happened today that really hit home. We will talk. Although alas I'm afraid we will not find too many weaknesses in you...
layla tov bubbale
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