In Case You Were Wondering...
trust in Hashem
and you will surely know
Hashem will help you
wherever you may go
but there's so much to learn rebbie
all the sforim in the library
it'll take so long to learn every one
i'm afraid i'll never be a talmud chacham
so when your heart gets heavy
let me tell something true
it will help if you remember
that you are a chosen jew
and moshiach is coming soon
to melt away our pain
just like a candle melted
by its burning flame
why am i writing songs in the middle of the night, you ask? hmmmm.
dunno. that's what's running through my head...
the clouds will part
the rays shine through
six thousand suns
will raise anew
(that is such a beautiful song.
i wish i knew the real words.)
must go to bed.
let's talk again another time, eh?
as life awaits us on the other side of morning.
wishing you all pleasant dreams and only good things.