farbrengen with myself at 2:00 in the morning
cyber life is merely a reflection of reality
popularity contests masquerade themselves as blogs/myspace/facebook...
tonight i just wanna shut down my facebook account
what's the point? to see how many people i know?
who am i kidding
half of these people i wouldn't feel comfortable enough to call tonight for a chat
but then again it's not called friendbook, it's called facebook
the faces of our lives
that's the cool thing about it.
the ability to hook up with random people you otherwise would have no connection with
like jordana wayne who used to be the first one picked up on the bus cuz she lived all the way in downey when fooman was our bus driver and the bus stunk like smelly rags and this gross cleaning spray he used to clean witth every day and fooman would say don't anyone make a peep and jordana would say "peep".
that's cool
but it also gives you an unwanted peek into the lives of some people you'd rather not peek into
like the ones who if you met them on the street you would never know how lost and confused they are but then you go onto their facebook and pictures don't lie and you're like noooooo don't tell me you fell for the world and all it's shtuyot!
i hate that
on the other hand it's quite the convenient method of keeping up with people you met over the summer while travelling in israel sans camera who were kind enough to take pictures of you on the hike through nachal amud and then tagged you so not only you can remember what an awesome trip you had but all your friends can travel vicariously through you and then comment on your pictures with quotes like "chani you look amazing" and make you feel like a million bucks.
then there's the whole privacy issue
i feel as if suddenly my cellphone is picking up snippets of hundreds of conversations that i have no right to evesdrop on and telling me all kinds of things i have no business knowing
so i want to shut down
but then i think - ahh, get over yourself girl its just a stupid facebook
no need to get all worked up about it
there's stupidity everywhere you go
and besides you always overreact and take everything so seriously
why must you always see the bad in things
focus on the good
then i realize i'm blabbing to a whole bunch of people i don't even know and i should probably shut up cuz this is worse than facebook