Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Today I woke up.

Raindrops are falling.

The rain pitters and patters.
So cozy.
Warm and toasty.

It's hard to get up on days like these.

Hard to work.
Hard to be proactive.
Hard to make decisions.
Hard to make plans.
Hard to be inspired.


Makes me think how some people have rainy lives.

And keep waiting for the weather of their lives to clear up.

Keep waiting for the rain to stop...
The skies to clear...
The sun to come out...

Then I'll get up.
Then I'll get on with life.
Then I'll start to live.

Till then they just curl up in bed with a hot cocoa and a good book.
Just waiting for a better day.
Till the cocoa ain't so hot.
And the book lost its charm.
So sad.


Sometimes the rains can last for quite some time.
And if they do, paint your walls yellow.
Invite all the happy people over to your place.
Plant flowers that grow well with rain.
Buy bright umbrellas and silly boots.
Play songs that make the heart laugh.

Choose life.

Choose life. Choose life. Choose life. Choose life. Choose life. Choose life. Choose life. Choose life. Choose life. Choose life. Choose life. Choose life. Choose life. Choose life. Choose life. Choose life. Choose life. Choose life. Choose life. Choose life. Choose life. Choose life. Choose life. Choose life. Choose life. Choose life. Choose life. Choose life. Choose life. Choose life. Choose life. Choose life. Choose life. Choose life. Choose life. Choose life. Choose life. Choose life. Choose life. Choose life.

type it enough times and it starts to look funny.
like kaboose.


Anonymous said...

ah i get it!
sorta like the rosh hashana car wash
not really but alittle

if not now when?

life that sounds pretty good

Anonymous said...

choose colorful raindrops

Fajita said...

ah, you made me smile:')
sweet to remember that the world's still perrty even when the sky is dark and teary.

Anonymous said...

wow. thanks