Tuesday, July 17, 2007


The mosquito just flew by the screen.
It's 4:33 am Italian time.
I am lagged by a jet.
And trying mighty hard not to get bitten.

Wanna know something real cool about being in Italy?
I log into my blog and find stuff like:

visualizza blog.
modifica post.
modera commenti
operazione completata
ora blogger consente di salvare le tue bozze automaticamente!

(ten blog points if you figure out what they mean)

Then the keyboard's got all these neat little things like:


Instead of end it says fine.
And enter says invio.

But ESC still says ESC.

I'm gonna try to go to sleep.


Anonymous said...

view blog
moderate/modify post
moderate/modify comments
operate something
and blog into your blog automatically or something!!!!

crackin up back in a different part of the world

Leigh Est said...

Havin fun yet?

Anonymous said...

weird...i thought i saw u in CH

Unknown said...

wats titolo

Cookie said...

and the prize goes to the believer
although the last line is something about the post being saved automatically but yeah
titolo means title
and yes i am having fun
and yes i was in ch for a day
and yes you should all plan a trip to venice one day for a shabbos
tis awesome here

Raizel Weinbaum said...

wow sisteh. you are a real world traveleh!

the sabra said...

walla i be missin italia yetzt

Cookie said...

you are all invited to join the world traveler on her minimal travel around two countries

Rochi said...

I cant believe u are in Italia!!!

Anonymous said...

miss your writings

the sabra said...

i had the titolo experience as well and i laughed out loudin thinkin of you :)

Cookie said...

so happy
you are in italy?
i am in israel.
and i must say that every time i see "afula" on the map - i think of you.