In the little synagogue near the big park we would meet.
Every Monday night at six.
A 24 year old chabadnikah with a 60 year old Jewess.
The two of us were meant to share an hour together, every Monday night for two years, with the purpose of studying Torah.
Although I must admit she was more interested in hearing about the goings on of my life than the portion of the week.
Every time I tried teaching the holy words she would interrupt me with yet another question: On life.
And family.
And work.
And love.
Alas the older woman seemed to be lacking in this precious resource.
Story after story emerged of her failed marriage, her failed mother daughter relationships, her failed self worth and failed feelings of accomplishment.
As time wore on it seemed she began to live vicariously through the life of her Monday night other.
My days were hers and she looked forward to each one.
It was a night like any other.
The Torah lesson from the week before had revolved around the exciting prospect of my pending date with an anonymous young gentleman.
We had discussed the whole shidduch system (no - we're not set up from birth, no - we don't have to marry if we don't want...) and what I should wear, say, do, etc.
She made me promise a full report on my return this week.
I had returned.
And alas, the report was no good.
She walked into the shul.
Or should I say ran.
I've never her seen her so ecstatic...
she: HOW WAS IT????
me: There's nothing to be excited about.
she: Tell me all about it!!!
me: There's nothing to tell, it didn't work out.
she: I'm so happy for you!!!! (huge smile)
me: (getting frustrated) What don't you understand? There's nothing to be happy about...I didn't like him.
she: It doesn't matter whether or not the date went well....
You went out...
You're young...
You're alive!
You're dating!!!
I'm so happy for you.
I left that Monday night in an infinitely better mood.
With a whole new appreciation for the small things in life.
The ones that should leave us up rather than down.
Thanks E.